As the wireless industry moves towards next-generation 5G networks, there is a wide range of technologies, use cases, and business models that can be realized. Wireless 20/20 develops techno-economic modeling tools to help clients prioritize 5G network investments and maximize ROI. 5G strategies can be developed for mobile networks, fixed wireless access, IoT and private networks.

Spectrum is the core foundation of a wireless service providers business. As operators pursue 5G strategies, it is critical to develop a successful spectrum strategy as a key building block to support a businesses mission. Large mobile operators need a portfolio of Low-band, Mid-band and High-band spectrum to provide the coverage, in-building penetration and capacity to support mobile 5G networks. Wireless 20/20 provides advisory services for spectrum acquisition, spectrum auctions, spectrum valuation, and deployment strategy with an emphasis on the optimal mix of licensed, shared and unlicensed spectrum for each use case.

With the development of next-generation multi-gigabit connections, Fixed Wireless Access (FWA) business cases can provide greater opportunity for investment by wireless operators. With the new point-to-multipoint gigabit 5G technologies, operators can offer competitive wireless broadband services for both residential and business customers. Wireless 20/20 develops business and technology plans for FWA to be deployed in urban, suburban and rural markets, and support single-family homes, as well as large MDUs and enterprise buildings.

Private LTE Networks are being deployed that use dedicated radio equipment with licensed, unlicensed or shared spectrum to service enterprises with specific applications and services. A wide range of industrial and IoT applications can be addressed by developing a closed, secure network using unlicensed 5 GHz spectrum with MulteFire technologies. In some cases, shared spectrum bands such as CBRS can be used to develop private LTE networks for team communication, industrial system controls, secure communications and IoT applications. Wireless 20/20 helps clients examine the technology options and analyze the costs and potential monetization of next-generation private LTE networks.

A new wave of operators are deploying neutral host in-building or outdoor wireless networks leveraging current LTE and next-generation 5G technologies, with new business models to augment the networks deployed by mobile operators. When venue owners deploy a common DAS, shared small cells or cloud RAN infrastructure that can support all mobile operators, the economics benefit all of the tenants. Neutral host providers can take advantage of the efficiency and cost savings of shared infrastructure to offer wholesale wireless services for MNOs and tenants in a venue or wide-area environment. We help clients understand the market conditions and business models that enable neutral host deployments, along with the technology and spectrum required to support the coverage and capacity needs.

One of the key areas of development for next-generation wireless technology is IoT, the Internet Of Things. To date, a lot of attention is paid to the myriad of use cases for IoT, and the technologies that can be enable them. But very little attention is given to the actual business case for deploying IoT networks, either for an IoT network operator or for the enterprise end-user. This lack of hard financial analysis has led to the deployment of many Proof of Concept (PoC) IoT projects, but very few production network deployments. Wireless 20/20 has developed the WiROI™ IoT Business Case Tool to help optimize business case development to ensure more economically successful IoT applications and network deployments.

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